Hello! My name is Carles Sánchez, and I am currently a Ramón y Cajal fellow and lecturer at the Department of Physics of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. Previously, I was a Junior Leader fellow at the Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC), in Barcelona, funded by laCaixa Foundation (2022-2023), and a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, USA (2017-2022).
Throughout my career, I have worked at the intersection between astronomical data, theory and statistics. I am interested in cosmology as probed by the large-scale structure of the Universe, and I focus on developing and applying new inference techniques that enable a principled and Bayesian analysis of astronomical data.
Currently, I am primarily involved in the Dark Energy Survey, an international collaboration of a few hundred people analyzing images from an optical camera in the Blanco Telescope, in Chile. In our latest data analysis, our sample was composed by more than 100 million galaxies. I was part of the live webinar presenting the results (see youtube recording). Personally, I enjoy telling stories with data, from early exploration to conclusions through analysis and visualization. In the Blog, I write about some of the scientific methods we use, and I also present an analysis of a public data set using some techniques from cosmology. More formally, descriptions of my main scientific projects can be found in Research. Also, here is my full academic CV, and my publications are also listed in Google Scholar and ORCID. Some of my research has appeared in the media, both in english, and in spanish.
Here you can learn more about me, including a list of past jobs. There you will also find some outreach projects I participated in. I think of outreach as one of the ultimate goals of scientific research, and not a separate task that adds to the duties of a scientist. And even more importantly, it is also a great opportunity to stimulate and improve equity, diversity and inclusion in science and society in general.
The easiest way to contact me is via email: carles.sanchez.alonso@gmail.com